Page:An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk vol. 2.djvu/465

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[To face page Hg. Ursula, daughter of Barhani Hall his first wife, by sons and seven one son and four of John Southwell_ in Suffolk, Esq. was whom he had five daughters, of which daughters survived ir Tho. Richardson, Knt. son of Dr. Thomas_ lichardson, was born at Hardwick, and was bap- izcd 3d July, 1569, was Recorder of Bury, Under, teward of ihe Dean and Chapter of Norwich, and ftcrwards Recorder of that City, and Reader of .incoln's-Inn in 1612, in Michaelmas Term the ear following, was made Serjeant at Law, then Ihancellor to the Queen, and after that the King's erjcant; was Speaker of the House of Commons n 1620, was knighted whilst he was Speaker, and in Nov. 28, 1626, was made Lord Chief Justice of he Common Pleas, by King Charles I.; and in 631, S4lh of Oct. Lord Chief Justice of the King's iench, and died Feb. 4, 1634, at his house in

hancery-Lane, and was buried on the south side

if the quire of Westminster abbey, where his mo. mains, the inscription of which is printed p. 195 of Keep's Monuments of that abbey, and ider Mulberton, in the Norfolk Jtlai. _Elizabcth, daughter of Sir Thomas "Beaumont of Stoughton in Leicester- shire, widow of ViUiers, was hia second wife, and after his death re- married to Sir John Ashburnham of Sussex, Knt.; after her marriage with the Lord Chief Justice, she was created Baroness of Cramond in Scotland, for life, by letters patents bearing date 28th Fcbr. 1628, by which Sir Thomas Richardson, son and heir of the Lord Chief Justice, was created Baron of Cramond after her decease. She was buried in Westminster abbey, and had no is- sue by the Lord Chief Justice, Ursula Rich- a. Mary Richardson, Elizabeth, daughter ardson, married married John Webb of Sir Will. Hewet," of Breccles in Nor. Knt. his first wife, folk, Esq. ; she died by whom he had March 10, 1656, aged seven sons, and one j6, and was buried at daughter, of which Breccles.' John only died be- fore his father* rWm.Yelver- tonof Rougham in Norfolk, Knt. and Bart. Sir Thomas Richardson, Knt. created heir appa the barony of Cramond, but never lived to enjoy it, for he died in 1642, aged 45, before his mother-in-law, and lies buried in Honingham chancel, under a black lict of Sir marble, in the altar rails, with this inscription, Miles San- Deo. optimo. maximo. dys, Knt. Depositum Thoma: Richardson! dc Honingham, was his se inComitatu Norfolcias Equitis aurati, Baronis Scotia; cond wife, designati, obijt Anno jttatis 45, Salutis 1642. Mar- married in lij 12. 1642. And against the south chancel wall is a mural monu. ment of black and white marble, with his bust, and the arms of his two ladies, as in the copper-plate may be seen at large.

to Dame Mary 3. Elizabeth Rich-

■ " ■ s, wi- aidson, married nd re- Robert Wood of Sir Brakcne-Ash in Norfolk, Esq. , Susan Rich- ardson. 5. Ma. ry, di' d March, 1638, aged 3 years, buried in the altar rails at Hunningham. Thomas Lord Richardson, Anne, daughter of Sir 5. John 1 ., died a. William Richardson, 3. Charles Richardson, 4. Henry Rich: Seiicant at Law; his married a daughter of died Sept. 6th, 1663, Baron of Cramond in Scot-TRichard Gorney, Lord 6. Joh.- %vill dated 8th March, Wiseman, and aged 30, and is buried land, died t6th May, 1674, Mayor of London, bu- 7. Richard J y°""S' a68i ; Abigail, relict of had Charles, Anne, at Hunningham. buried at Hunningham, ried at Hunningham Chandler, was his relict. Ursula, and Margaret. in 1697. He was buried in St. Laurence, London ; 5. p. I Elizabeth Richard- son, married Rich- ard ManscU of West- Leke in Derbyshire, and had Thomas, MiUicent, Elizabeth, and Joyce. Henry L- d Richardso ramond, boi 650, died 5th Ja Frances, daughter 2. Thomas Richardso "of Sir John Na- born May 20th, 165 de Cramond af s, qui obijt 6° Ja alias Sandys, if Luton-Hoe ir Bedfordshire, re lictofSirEdwarc BarkhamofSouth- Acre; she is buri- ed at South-Acre in Norfolk. hocbury , at Lon- Robert Pa L Pis- Soulh-Acr< ford- died withe . Elizabeth, daugh- ■ of~ of Willii Lord and he kha th Sept, 1711, aged 54, and is bu at East- Walton. August, 165 died 7th Ma Walton ii Norfolk. . Elizabeth, daugh- ter and heiress of James Daniel of Norwich, gold- smith ; she died 8th Dec. 1722, aged 37; is buried at East- Walton. Mary Rich ardson, bori 23d Dec. 1655, died ist August, 1666. Angclh-a Rich- ardson, boin 24th March, 1663, died single, Feb. •5th, 1717, and is buried at Ringland. William Lord Richardson, William Jermy, only son Elizabeth Richardson, born February, 1 714, died of John Jermy of Bay- only sister and heir to single 28th July, 1735, and field in Norfolk, Esq. William Lord Rich- is buried at East-Walton. married ia Aug. 1^351 to ardson. ' Sec p. 174.