Seeking the Root in an Individual Language.
16. In addressing ourselves now to the task of detecting the root in IN word-bases, we will begin by undertaking this research in connexion with a single language and see what results we can obtain without comparing it with others. The language shall be Old Jav. Now we can draw up the follow- ing series of Old Jav. words showing in each case the root:
unkab, " to open ", sinhab, " to uncover " : root kab.
fekul, " to clasp ", rańkul, " to embrace " : root kul.
ikel, " curly ", rińkĕl, " twisted " : root kĕl.
tankep, " to seize ", sikĕp, " to seize " : root kĕp.
sanguh, "to consider as.....", suñguh, "truly": root guh.
íńís, " to grin ", tańís, " to weep " : root ńís.
tutuk, " mouth ", patuk, " beak " : root tuk.
gantuń, " to hang ", těluń, " to hang down " : root tuń.
itěk, " mud ", latěk, " mud " : root těk.
atěr, " to accompany ", hantěr, " to follow " : root těr.
inděl, " curdled ", kanděl, " thick ": root děl.
uněn, " desire ", sěněn, " loved ": root něn.
tapis," small ", pipis, " to pound small ": root pis.
liput, " to cover ", saput, " to cover " : root put.
umbak, " wave ", limbak, " wave ": root bak.
bubuk, " insect that burrows in wood ", hrěbuk, "dry rot " : root buk,
bayań, " to rock to and fro ", huyań, " restless " : root yań.
rěrěp, " to fall asleep ", sirěp, " to lull to sleep " : root rěp.
pulań, " dirt ", wělań, " spotted " : root lań.
alih, " to return ", pulih, " to turn back " : root lih.
kělěm, " to sink in ", silěm, " to plunge in " : root lěm.