Page:An introduction to linear drawing.djvu/107

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The Figures of the three first classes of Part I. are copied from the French Original; those of the fourth and fifth classes, from drawings by pupils of the Moni- torial School. Plate First was designed by the Trans- lator for the purpose of exhibiting at one view the four principal orders with the same module, thus affording an opportunity of comparing their relative height, grace, and strength. Plate Second was also designed by the author of Part II, and the expense of this plate and the very considerable enlargement of this edition, must be the publishers9 excuse for the comparatively small in- crease of price.

tt/^The difficulty of obtaining chalk suitable for drawing or writing on boards painted black, has induced the author to procure and keep on hand a quantity of Artificial French Chalk, in crayons of a convenient size, at 25 cents a pound. This chalk has no hard particles in it, wears well, and does not waste.