1. What do the first class draw ?
2. What is a right line ?
3. How may you ascertain whether a line be straight ?
4. To cut a right line into four parts or quarters, what must you first cut it into ? (Ans. halves.)
5. To cut a right line into eight parts, how must you proceed ? Ans. Cut it into halves and quarters.
6. What is a horizontal line ?
7. WThat is a perpendicular line ?
8. In making horizontal lines what must you ob- serve ?
9. In drawing perpendicular lines what must you ob- serve ?
10. What are parallel lines ?
11. What are oblique lines ?
12. What is an angle ? (page 4.J
13. What is the point or apex of an angle ?
14. Is it the length of the sides of an angle or the width of the opening that determines the size of the angle ?
15. When do two lines form a right angle ? Ans. When the two sides are perpendicular to each other.
16. What is an acute angle ? Ans. One that is less than a right angle.
17. What is an obtuse angle ? Ans. One that is more — larger than a right angle.