1. How will you proceed in making two angles of perpendicular sides ? (page 10.)
2. What sort of angles will thus be formed ? Ans. One acute and one obtuse.
3. When you make two triangles of perpendicular sides, how must each side of each triangle be ?
4. How many sides has a trapezoid ?
5. Which two sides of a trapezoid are called the bases ?
6. What is the height of a trapezoid ?
7. In what does a trapezoid differ from a trape- zium ?
8. What is the meaning of the word polygon ?
9. What is the best method of making a polygon ?
10. When is a polygon said to be regular ?
11. After you have drawn a polygon, how must you proceed to draw diagonals ?
12. When you wish to draw a parallel polygon out- side of another, what must you do first ? Ans. Length- en the diagonals.
13. What is a triangular pyramid ? Ans. One whose base is a triangle.
14. How do you proceed to draw a triangular pyra- mid ?
15. What is the height of a pyramid ?
16. In drawing a pyramid, must the front or back lines of the base be uppermost ?
. 17. What is a quadrangular pyramid ?
18. When a pyramid is to be cut by a plane, what part must be drawn last ?
19. What is the height of a pyramid?
20. In drawing a pyramid, which lines are longest the front or back oblique lines ?
21. When the base of a pyramid is a regular poly- gon, how may you know if the pyramid be upright and regulp" s