into several oblong parallel segments, as Ipomopsis, Exot. Bot. t. 13, 14, Bunias Cakile, Engl. Bot.]] t. 231, Lepidium didymum, t. 248, petræum, t. 111, and Myriophyllum verticillatum, t. 218.
Bipinnatifidum, doubly pinnatifid, as Papaver Argemone, t. 643, and Eriocalia major, Exot. Bot. t. 78.
Pectinatum, pectinate, is a pinnatifid leaf, whose segments are remarkably narrow and parallel, like the teeth of a comb, as the lower leaves of Myriophyllum verticillatum, and those of Hottonia palustris, Engl. Bot. t. 364.
Inæquale, unequal, sometimes called oblique, when the two halves of the leaf are unequal in dimensions, and their bases not parallel, as in Eucalyptus resinifera, Exot. Bot. t. 84, and most of that genus, as well as of Begonia.
5. The Terminations of Leaves are various.
Folium truncatum, an abrupt leaf, has the extremity cut off, as it were, by a transverse line, as Liriodendrum tulipifera, Curt. Mag. t. 275.