sum, t. 108, and Equisetum, t. 915, t. 929, are other examples of spiked ferns. Each seed of the latter is embraced by 4 filaments, judged by Hedwig to be the stamens. Supposed ferns with radical fructifications are Pilularia, t. 521, and Isoetes, t. 1084; but the former might possibly be referred to Monoecia Polyandria, and the latter to Monoecia Monandria as the system at present stands. Lycopodium, t. 224, 1148, &c., is a fern, at least in my opinion, with axillary fructification.
2. Musci, Mosses. These are really herbs[1] with distinct leaves and frequently as distinct a stem. Their conical membranous corolla is called a calyptra, or veil, its summit being the stigma, This veil clothes the capsule, which, before the seed ripens, is elevated on a fruit-stalk. The capsule is of one cell and one valve, opening by a Vertical lid[2]. Seeds very numerous and minute. The barren flowers of mosses