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Page:An introduction to physiological and systematical botany (1st edition).djvu/583

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I. Index of remarkable Plants, or those of which any particular Mention, or any Change in their Classification, is made.

Abroma, 448
Abrus precatorius, 446
Acer, 422
Acer— — — saccharinum, 67
Æsculus Hippocastanum, 137
Agrimonia, 365, 425
Ailanthus, 372, 482
Algæ, 495499
Alopecurus bulbosus, 114
Amaranthus, 373
Amaryllis formosissima, 320
Ambrosinia, 469, 476
Anagallis, 329
Angiopleris, 388
Annona hexapetala, 226
Aponogeton, 420, 426
Aquilicia, 475
Arenaria, 362, 374
Aristolochia Clematitis, 337
Aristolochia— — — Sipho, 337,
Arum, 81, 91, 265, 469, 476
Ash, 61, 114, 127
Asperifoliæ, 414
Athrodactylis, 373, 479
Atriplex, 484
Aucula, 372

Bamboo, 75, 372
Barberry, 325
Bauhinia, 376
Black rose, 88
Blandfordia, 362
Bonapartea, 376
Browallia, 382
Bryonia, 475
Bubroma, 448
Buffonia, 382

Cactus coccinellifer, 337
Cænopteris, 388
Calamagrostis, 387
Calceolaria, 374
Calla, 469, 476
Canna, 462
Cannabis, 330, 481
Capura, 419
Carpinus Betulus, 249
Caryocar, 431
Caryophyllus, 427
Celosia, 324
Ceratonia, 485
Ceratopetalum, 374
Chara, 473
Cherry, double-blossomed, 275
Chrysanthemum indicum, 80
Cistus creticus, 188
Citrus, 449
Cleome, 430, 436
Climbing plants, 119
Cluytia, 481
Coffee, 344
Columniferæ, 440
Conchium, 374
Conferva bullosa, 213
Contortæ, 415, 465