Page:Anacalypsis vol 1.djvu/136

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doctrines were connected with every part of the Mosaic system. It is impossible to separate or conceal them; they are connected with the numbers, the names of cities, and of men,—in short, with every thing: but this no more proves that there were not such men as Abraham, Moses, Joshua, &c., than it proves that there were not such cities and places as Damascus, Hobah, Gilgal, Gerizim, Bethel, Jericho, &c. The existence of the cities and places, having astronomical names, is clear. There is nothing in these astrological allusions against the existence of the men, any more than there is against the existence of the cities: and those have gone much too far who, for no other reason, have run away with the opinion that there were not such men. Their premises will not warrant their conclusions.

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