Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/69

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Chapter XII

to you to learn what I have suffered. I do not know how I could sleep in the agony in which I was ; but I did fall asleep towards the end of last night. I then dreamed that I had gone, by what virtue I do not know, to a strange place. There was no earth there. It was all light, sweet and cool light like the streaks let down through a break in the clouds. There was no man there, but living forms beaming with light ; no sound, but a low melody like the echoes of a sweet distant music. A fragrance was there like that of myriads of flowers — mallika, malati, gandkaraj, all blooming and ever fresh. In a place above all there sat one who shone as though a blue hill was slow- ly burning and glowing from within. A large fiery crown- jewel was on his head. He had four hands. On his two sides there were what I could not well see — perhaps female figures $ but such was their glow and such their fragrance that I fainted to look at them and could not see who they were. Before the four- handed form stood a female — also glorious, but shaded by clouds dimming her glory. You could faintly see that she was a lean but beautiful suffering woman and that she was weeping. A balmy and fragrant breeze seemed to waft me on its waves to the feet of the four-handed figure. The clouded lean woman pointed to me and said, ' This is she ; it is for her that Mahendra does not come to me.' Then a very clear and melodious note like that of a lute sounded, and the four-handed figure said to me : 1 Leave your husband and come to me. This is the mother of you all, your,