Page:Anandamath, The Abbey of Bliss - Chatterjee.djvu/75

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Chapter XII

also sang with the same music in symphony. Kalyani's voice grew fainter and fainter, but still she sang on.

By and by her voice grew still. Words could not come out from her mouth, her eyes were shut and her body grew cold—Mahendra knew she had departed for Baikuntha, with the name of the Lord on her lips. Then, frantic with grief, he rang the woods and made the birds start in their nests with his wild song.

At that time, some one came and held him in deep embrace; and before the body of her who was on the way to eternity, the two sang—inspired by the glory of the Eternal Himself—His glorious name. Birds and beasts were still, and the world was flooded with beauty—it seemed a very tabernacle for glorifying the name of the Lord. Satyananda sat down there with Mahendra in his lap.