Page:Ancient History of the Deccan.djvu/8

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A. D. Anno Domini (After Christ)..

A. S. W. I. Archæological Survey Western India.

B. C. Before Christ.

Ep. Carn. Epigraphia Carnatica (Rice).

Ep. Ind. - Epigraphia Indica, Calcutta.

Ind. Ant. Indian Antiquary, Bombay.

J. B. B. R. A. S. Journal of the Bombay branch of the Royal Asiatic Society.

J. R. A. S. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.

Lüders's list. List of inscriptions in Ep. Ind. Vol. X.

Rapson. Catalogue of the coins of the Andhra dynasty, the Western Ksatrapas, etc, in the British Museum, by Prof. Rapson, London.