built till the 14th century, by Italian Architects, under Basilius Casan, the second Great Duke, who conquered the provinces of Serveria, Roscovia, and Smolensko, with the realms of Astracan and Casan, from which last he took his sirname. There were also several churches built in the Gothic taste, which then prevailed over all Europe. There are two churches built in the 15th century, by the famous Aristotle of Bologna, who flourished at that time; but the private houses were then no better than wooden huts, and even to this day wretched hovels are blended with superb palaces; cottages of one story stand next to the most stately mansions. Many brick structures are covered with wooden tops; some of the wooden houses are painted, others have iron doors and roof.
The first writer who brought us acquainted with Moscow, was Olearius who, 1633, went thither as the companion of an embassy from the Duke of Holstein "A native of Holstein must naturally be struck with wonder at the immense extent of the city of Moscow, with its five quarters, especially the magnificent one belonging to the emperors, and with the Asiatic splendor which then reigned at that Court. There was nothing equal to it in Germany at that time, nor any city, by far so extensive or well peopled", so far this writer. On the contrary, the Earl of Carslile, who was Ambassador from Charles II. to the Czar Alexis, 1663, complains in his relation, that he could not meet with any one convenience of life in Moscow; no inns on the road, nor refreshments of any kind The