the possession of this province. Soon sfter it was invaded by the Swedes, and for a long time continued to be ravaged by these several powers Gustavus Adolphus having conquered it, it was then ceded to the Swedes 1660, by the famous treaty of Oliva; and, at length, Czar Peter wrested from these latter. Courland, which joins to Livonia, is still in vassaloge to Poland, though it depends greatly upon Russia. These are the western limits of this great empire in Christendom. More northward is the government of Revel and Easthonia. Revel was built by the Danes in the 13 century. The Swedes were in possession of this province from the time that country put itself under the protection of that crown. This is another of the conquests of Peter the Great.
On the borders of Easthonia lies the Gulph of Finland. To the eastward of this sea, and at the junction of the Neva with lake Ladoga, 150 miles long (illegible text) broad; joined to the sea by a canal 70 miles to length cut by Peter the Great at an immense expense: Onega, 100 miles long and 48 broad, has a communication with Ladoga by the river Swie, and with the WhiteSea, a channel lately cut between these lakes, all ran or are joined to the Neva, at the confluence of which is situated Petersburgh, now the capital of Russia, the most modern and best built city in the whole empire, founded by Czar Peter, in spite of all the united obstacles which opposed its founda-