kingdom in Spain, 542; kingdom destroyed by the Saracens, 572, 599.
Vi-tel´li-us, Roman emperor, 499.
Volscians, border wars with Rome, 382, 384.
WinfridSee St. Boniface.
Woman, social position of, in Greece, 342; at Rome, 563.
Writing, invention of, 10–12; Egyptian system, 33, 34; Chinese, 103.
Xan-thip´pe, 331 n. 6.
Xen´o-phon, with the Ten Thousand Greeks, 246; his works, 322.
Xeres (hā́-rĕth´), battle of, 599.
Xerxes (zĕrks´ēz) I, reign, 93, 94; prepares to invade Greece, 191, 192; crosses the Hellespont, 193; reviews army at Doriscus, 194; after the battle of Salamis, 198.
Yah-weh (yäh-wā´), 78.
Yoke, symbol of submission, 384 n. 5.
Zā´ma, battle at, 426.
Ze´la, battle at, 473.
Zend A-ves´tä, 95.
Ze´no, the Stoic, 334.
Zenobia, queen of Palmyra, 518 n. 3.
Zeus (zūs), 131; oracles of, 133 n. 9.
Zeus Ammon, oracle of, 276.
Zeuxis (zūks´iss), Greek painter, 310.
Zō-rō-as´ter, 95.
Zoroastrianism, 95.