chapter page I. The Port 3 II. "Fairwinds" and "Bluster" 13 III. The Red Baldwin 22 IV. Shadows 28 V. The Light 30 VI. The Dicers 34 VII. "The Big Boys" 47 VIII. The Divine Carlotta 61 IX. "Faithful and True" 70 X. The Isle of Green Stairways 84 XI. Winds of Chance 96 XII. Spring 99 XIII. Carlotta Sees Red 102 XIV. Enter Spanish Dick 119 XV. A Discordant Lohengrin 127 XVI. Behind the Picture 151 XVII. The "Aileen" 168 XVIII. The Gypsy of the Sea 183 XIX. The Cafe of Many Tongues 194 XX. The Girl Linda 208 XXI. Land Ho! 215