Page:Anderson--Isle of seven moons.djvu/362

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Carlotta of the spotlight. A searching one was being turned on her now and for once she did not relish her conspicuousness.

"Was it one of the other four?"

"Maybe—if you say someone was croaked. I didn't see it, an' they didn't tell me."

"Didn't they tell you about the gold?"


"Think hard now. We don't want to be rough."

"Well, it isn't here anyway."

"Where is it then?"

"Oh, I'll tell you all I know—if you only won't take it out on the Kid. He's a fool Kid, but he'd never croak a guy."

"All right, we'll be fair with him."

"Well, they said they planted the gold somewhere on the island. They wouldn't tell me where. Afraid I'll double-cross 'em."

"Are you sure about that? Isn't it here?"

"Yes, I'll swear it—on a Bible—a stack of 'em if you want—Old 'n New Testament." She had regained some of her composure, as this snappiness showed.

"Be careful now."

"It's the truth, whole truth, nothin' but the truth—" she chanted. "Look, if you like."

That most of her meagre evidence was true, the Captain believed. He called Ben aside.

"It might be wise to hold the yacht and nab the rascals when they come aboard."