in his journal, the following remarkable display of divine grace at Hadley, on the Hudson, in the case of a young man, a physician, who had been personally acquainted with Thomas Paine, had embraced his infidel sentiments, and was very profane and dissipated.—
“After more than a year’s fighting against the convictions of the Spirit of God, (which were so powerful, and his stubbornness so great, like ‘a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke,’ as to bring him to a bed of long confinement, and the most awful desperation of mind,) he has become a humble, zealous, and exemplary Christian. As soon as his health is recovered, and he is qualified by preparatory studies; he designs to go forth to the world, and preach that Jesus, whom he for many years, considered as an impostor, whose name he habitually blasphemed, and whose religion he accounted foolishness, and a base imposition on the world.”
Singular Conversion of an Innkeeper.
Events of the last importance often arise from causes apparently insignificant. The links of the chain of Providence are wonderfully connected: an infidel ridicules— a believer admires and adores!
The following is a story that can be authenticated by the evidence of many who have heard it from the person who is the subject of it, but now gone safe to God and glory. “When the Rev. Mr. **** went to his living in the country, a very great audience collected from the neighbouring towns and villages, in one of which lived an old innkeeper, who having made free with his own tap, had well carbuncled his nose and face, which bore the visible marks of his profession. He had heard the report of the concourse at this church,