The good man doubted whether there was a future life; he thought man’s existence ended at death. One night he had this dream. He thought he saw a youth standing before him in shining garments, who looked fixedly at him, and asked: “Are you asleep or awake? ” The physician answered: “ I am asleep.” “ Can you see me? ” his nocturnal visitor inquired. “ Yes, I see you,” was the reply. “ How do you see me? ” was the next query; “ do you see me with your eyes? ” “I do not see you with my eyes; I do not know in what way I see you,” the physician answered. “Do you hear me?” the youth said. “ Yes, I hear you.” “ How do you hear me; do you hear me with your ears? ” the youth pursued. “I do not hear you with my ears; I do not know by what means I hear you,” was the answer. “ Are you speaking now? ” the youth again inquired. “Yes, I am speaking.” “How are you speaking; are you speaking by your mouth?” “I am not speaking with my lips; I know not wherewith I am speaking,” replied the physician. Thereupon the angel spoke thus to him: “ The action of your senses is now suspended, yet you see, hear, and speak; a time will come when your senses will be rendered totally incapable of action by the hand of death, and yet you will be able to see, to hear, to speak, and to feel.” Then the angel vanished, and the physician awoke. From that day forth he was troubled with no doubts, but firmly believed in the existence of the soul after the death of the body. The soul, in fact, is a prisoner in the body, but so unfettered that when the prison falls, the prisoner goes free.