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was silent, and looked abashed. “ You will never be wise,” his mother said to him, “ if you do not believe in the Creator. The whole world will be an inexplicable puzzle to you and an enigma. Believe in God, and you will have the key to that enigma. Then only will you acquire true wisdom.” The hen indisputably existed before the egg, for the hen lays the egg, and has to hatch it if the young bird is to come out of it. Therefore God created the first hen.

Q. Were Adam and Eve innocent and holy when they came from the hand of God?

A. Adam and Eve were innocent and holy when they came from the hand of God.

The Decision Goes to Virtue

Original justice consisted of a sound mind in a sound body; of a perfect subjection of the lower parts of creation to the higher, of man’s lower to his higher nature; and of the complete harmony thus established between creatures and man, between man’s body and soul, and between man and God. Crantor, a Greek philosopher who lived about three hundred years before Christ, relates that one day the divinities, Wealth, Pleasure, Honor, Health, and Virtue, suddenly appeared before the throng at the Olympic games and asked the judges of the Areopagus to decide which of them most favorably influenced man’s happiness. Wealth dazzled for a moment the judges’ eyes, but Pleasure soon showed that he was only a means to her as an end. Honor claimed