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THE ANGELO FAMILY which is now the common property of all his descendants, both direct and collateral, originally came. He was born on February 6th, 1717, and baptized in the cathedral-church the next day. His father, James Tremamondo, was a native of Foggia in the kingdom of Naples, anid a son of Domenick Tremamondo of the same city and province. His godfather was Francis Maria Lorenzi. His younger brothers, five in number, were Francis Xavier, born December 4th, 1720; Joseph, born November 13th, 1721; John Xavier (afterwards of Edinburgh), born September 22nd, 1723; Leonard Maria (afterwards of London), born September 6th, 1725; and Sante Gaetano, born November 1st, 1732. There were also several sisters, of whom one, Santa Caterina, ultimately became the superior of a convent in or near Florence. An inspection of the registers (quoted verbatim in The Ancestor) indicates that, of the brothers, one, Joseph, possibly died on the day of his birth, because he was at once baptized the same day, his sponsor being apparently the medico in attendance, the " Excellent Signor Doctor John Batta Gameno." It is also more than likely that as Santa Caterina became a nun, so Sante Gaetano was destined for and became a priest or a monk. There would remain therefore just four brothers to account for, which exactly agrees with the statement of Henry Angelo in his Reminiscences, namely:-"There were four brothers, all dead in 1827." Of these four, three, at any rate, namely, Angelo Domenick, John Xavier, and Lconard Maria, all riding-masters and fencers, ultimately found their way to England. In view of Henry Angelo's perfectly natnral boast that he was descended from the Malavoltis of Siena, it may be well to say here a few words upon that illustrious stock. xii