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THE ANGELO FAMILY Domenick Tremamondo wife of Foggia. James Tremamondo of Foggia, = Catherine Angela, and then of Leghorn. d. of Nicolas Malevolti of Leghorn, married 1713. Angelo Domenick Maria, Francis Xavier, oseh Joseph b. 1720. (d. 1721) John Xavier b. 1723. Leonard Maria, b. 1725. Sante Gaetano, b. 1732, probably a priest. The three members of this family who afterwards visited England, but especially the eldest, Angelo Domenick, became widely celebrated as masters in the arts of both riding and fencing. Of such exceptional skill as was theirs the founda tions surely must have been laid very early in life, and it is a fair hypothesis to assume that from boyhood they were placed in the hands of capable instructors. In point of fact there was then living in Leghorn the very man for the purpose. This was Andrew Gianfaldoni, of Pisa, renowned as a fencing-master, who kept a fencing school at Leghorn, at which city his far more famous son Joseph, whose tragic fate at Lyons aroused the sympathy of all Europe, was born on January 6th, 1789. Under Gianfaldoni we can imagine the "Angelo" brothers gradually acquiring some of the marvellous power which aftervards distinguished them, and when they had graduated in Gianfaldoni's school we can imagine them also going forth on their travels to other centres famous for other maitres d'éscrimes. Domenick certainly did so, as we learn from Henry Angelo's Reminiscences. He visited various capitals in turn, probably Florence, Turin, xiv