Page:Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book (1963).djvu/39

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He holds and wields    as He encircles them about.
Me he wondrously    made at the beginning
when at the first    he established this universe.
He bade me to live    long unsleeping
that I slumber not    forever after.
And me suddenly    sleep overcomes;10
both my eyes    are quickly closed.
All this world    the mighty Lord
moves with mastery    in all its parts;
so that I at the world    of the mighty ruler
all this universe    encircle about.
I am so timid    that a fleeting phantom
terribly can    fill me with fright;
and I am everywhere    bolder than a boar
when swollen with fury    it stands at bay.
No banner-bearer    can overcome me20
throughout the world    save God alone
who holds and rules    this high heaven.
My fragrance is stronger    . . . .
than any incense    or any rose
in the field of earth    . . . .
beautifully blooms;    I am stronger than that.
Although the lily    is precious to men,
and bright of blossom    I am better than it;
thus the odor of nard    I (quite) overcome
with my very sweetness    ever and everywhere.30
And I am fouler    than this black fen
that here evilly    smells of filth.
And I govern    under heaven’s expanse
as the beloved Father    taught me at the start,
that I must rule    with right justice
over thick and thin,    and everywhere hold
the form and feature    of every thing.
I am brighter than heaven;    the high King bids me
to hold and cherish    his secret treasures.
I scan all things also    under the earth,40