Page:Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book (1963).djvu/69

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    1. s53 ##

53 (K-D 14)

I was an armed fighter.    Now a young home-dweller
covers me proudly    with twisted wires,
with gold and silver.    Sometimes men kiss me.
Sometimes with my song    I summon to battle
happy comrades.    Sometimes a steed carries me
over the marches.    Sometimes a sea-horse
bears me over waves    with my bright trappings.
Sometimes a maiden    fills my ring-adorned bosom.
Sometimes I must lie    hard and headless
stripped on the tables.    Sometimes I hang,
with ornaments proud,    on the wall where men drink.
Sometimes a good weapon,    the warriors bear me,
riding on horseback,    with treasure laden,
I must breathe in the breath    of a man’s breast.
Sometimes with my music    I summon proud warriors
to drink their wine.    Sometimes with my voice
I rescue the booty,    put foe to flight.
   Ask me my name.

Horn, described under various aspects marked by the “Sometimes” repeated ten times in nineteen lines: on the head of a steer, as war-horn (also on ships), as drinking horn, as hunting horn, as warning against thieves. “Ring-adorned,” l. 8, ‘adorned with a necklace.’

    1. s54 ##

54 (K-D 80)

I am atheling’s    shoulder-companion,
a warrior’s comrade,    dear to my master,
a fellow of kings.    His fair-haired lady
sometimes will lay    her hand upon me,