Page:Anglo-Saxon version of the Hexameron of St. Basil.djvu/71

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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.

ðine heortan nates hwon. Ne astyra ðu yrsunga ðinum underðeoddum. ne unmihtigum men. ðeah ðe ðu mæge bet. ac hafa hine swa swilce ðin agen lim. Ne lufa ðu ðinne broðor mid gehiwodre heortan. ðæt ðu hine kysse and kepe him hearmes. forðam ðe se fakenfulla fægere word sprecð oft. and on his modes digolnysse macað syrwunga. On swilcum dædum. se soða God byð gegremed soðlice. Ðæt hluttre mod ðe Gode gelicað forsihð ða hiwunga. and healt soðfæstnysse. Do ðu feorr fram ðe ða fakenfullan hiwunge. and ne kep ðu nates hwon ðinum nextan facnes. ne ðu hine ne tæl. ne ne ter mid wordum. Tala ðe ðinne broðor. swilce he beo ðin lim. gif ðu hwilon yrsie. swa swa oðre men doð, ne læt ðu ðæt yrre licgean on ðinre heortan ofer sunn an setlunge. ac foh to sibbe æror. and adræf ða hatheortnysse fram ðinre sawle hraðe.

VII. De Studio Pacis

Se man ðe sibbe lufað. he sylf gearcað Criste wununge on his mode. forðam ðe Crist sylf is sibb. and he on sibbe wyle wunian untwylice. Crist onscunað æfre ðone andigendan wer. and se gesibsuma wer byð on smyltnesse &,. Se niðfulla wer bið gelic ðam scipe ðe ða yða drifað ut on sæ swa hu swa se wind blæwð buton ælcum steoran. and se gesibsuma wer hæfð him orsorhnysse. Eft se niðfulla wer byð ðam wulfe gelic. ðe woðlice abiteð ða bilewitan sceap. and se gesibsuma wer byð ðam winearde gelic. ðe byrð gode wæstmas wynsumlice growende. Ðæs niðfullan mannes weorc byð on wædlunge æfre. and swa se gesibsuma wer swyðor blissað on gode. swa aswindeð se niðfulla swyðor to nahtlicum ðingum. Se gesibsuma man soðlice byð oncnawen ðurh his modes blisse. and on glædum andwlitan. and se niðfulla wer wyrð eac geswutelod ðurh his hatheortnysse on hetolum andwlitan. Se gesibsuma mann hæfð him sylf gemanan mid ðam halgum englum. and se niðfulla byð deofla gefera. forðon ðurh.