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admonitio ad filium spiritualem.
ðas ealle ic geheold æfre fram minre geogoðe." and him andwyrde se hælend. "An ðing ðe is wana. ac gif ðu wille beon fullfremed. beceapa ealle ðine æhta. and dæl ðæt wurð ðearfum. and ðu hæfst ðinne goldhord on heofena rice swa. and cum ðonne to me. and fylig me syððan." Ða wearð se rica sarig swyðe for his wordum. forðam ðe he hæfde fela æhta on life ðe him wæron laðe to forlætenne swa. and eode him sona aweg syon he ðiss gehyrde. Se gitsienda wer. ðe ne wyrð næfre full. is helle gelic ðe næfð nan gemet. ac swa heo ma forswelgeð. swa heo ma gewilnað. Do ðe ælfremedne fram ðysum leahtre á. and hafa ðe gemet.