Page:Anna Chapin--Half a dozen boys.djvu/165

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“Where did they come from? I thought they went under,” said Rob.

“Sam went up the next morning and found them floating close to the dam,” answered Ted.

“He cut a long pole and hauled them in. But you kids go to work and help me. We want to get this done, so we can have some fun before a thaw.”

After two hours of hard work, Phil ventured to suggest that it would be easier to go to some of the ready-made hills for their coasting, but his comrades scorned the suggestion and promptly suppressed him.

By noon the slide was ready, and the boys separated for a hurried dinner, agreeing to be back as soon as possible. Soon afterwards they reappeared, Ted peeling an orange, and Phil with a pocketful of crackers, while Bert came out with a vast wedge of pie in his hand. With their sleds, they scrambled up the incline, and were soon on their way down it again. It was not in all respects a success. The framework, insecurely supported, tottered beneath them, and the boards were not carefully joined, causing occasional bumps in the way. But the