Page:Anna Chapin--Half a dozen boys.djvu/179

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densed milk, two pounds of zoölogical crackers, a sheet of baker’s gingerbread, and a bag of raisins.

“Oh, Rob! Rob!” said Bess, laughing until she cried, as she saw the motley collection, so evidently selected by the boy himself. “Your warning was needed. We surely ought not to be particular.”

Rob laughed, but his color came and he looked rather annoyed, so Bess hastened to add,—

“But it was so good of you to think of us, for we are dreadfully tired of codfish, and this will be a welcome relief. And now tell us how you all are, and what the news is—if you know any.”

“Everybody is snowed up,” answered Rob, as he helped Fred to lay down his pile of provisions. “No trains, no street-cars. We went to school Monday morning, but they sent us home about ten, and I didn’t go out again till last night. Some men in front of our house were trying to plough a path, and I asked them if I mightn’t borrow their horse to ride down after some milk. They said I might, so I hopped on and started. He went very well till