Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/333

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say that plows were foolish devices, and that Andreyef's sokha[1] did the work, and the like.

"Don't you ever get weary going about so in this heat?" asked Sergyeï Ivanovitch.

"No. Only I must run over to the office for a minute," said Levin; and he hurried across the field.


Early in June, Agafya Mikhaïlovna, the old nurse and ekonomka, or housekeeper, in going down cellar with a pot of salted mushrooms, slipped and fell, and dislocated her wrist.

The district doctor, a loquacious young medical student who had just taken his degree, came, and, after examining the arm, declared that it was not out of joint. During dinner, proud of finding himself in the society of the distinguished Sergyeï Ivanovitch Koznuishef, he began to relate all the petty gossip of the district in order to display his enlightened views of things; and he expressed his regrets at the bad condition of provincial affairs.

Sergyeï Ivanovitch listened attentively, asking various questions; and animated by the presence of a new hearer, he made keen and shrewd observations, which were received by the young doctor with respectful appreciation, and his spirits rose high, which, as his brother knew, was liable to be the case with him after a lively and brilliant conversation.

After the doctor's departure he expressed his desire to go to the river and fish. He was fond of fishing, and seemed to take pride in showing that he could amuse himself with such a stupid occupation. Konstantin had to go to certain fields and meadows, and offered to take his brother in his cabriolet as far as the river.

  1. The picture by Repin represents Count Tolstoï plowing with the primitive sokha. Levin's peasantry call the plow (plug) vuidumka pustaya, "empty invention."