Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/392

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be broken up through a caprice, an arbitrary act, even through the crime of one of the parties; and our lives must remain unchanged. This must be so for my sake, for your sake, for the sake of our son. I am fully persuaded that you have been repentant, that you still feel repentant for the deed that obliges me to write you; that you will coöperate with me in destroying root and branch the cause of our estrangement and in forgetting the past.

In case this be not so, you yourself must understand what awaits you and your son. In regard to all this I hope to have a more specific conversation at a personal interview. As the summer season is nearly over, I beg of you to come back to Petersburg as soon as possible—certainly not later than Tuesday. All the necessary measures for your return hither will be taken. I beg you to take notice that I attach a very particular importance to your attention to my request.

A. Karenin.

P.S. I inclose in this letter money, which you may need at this particular time.

He reread his letter, and was satisfied with it—especially with the fact that he had thought of sending the money. There was not an angry word, not a reproach, neither was there any condescension in it. The essential thing was the golden bridge for their reconciliation. He folded his letter, smoothed it with a huge paper-cutter of massive ivory, inclosed it in an envelop together with the money, and rang the bell, feeling that sense of satisfaction which the use of his well-ordered, perfect epistolary arrangements always gave him.

"Give this letter to the courier for delivery to Anna Arkadyevna at the datcha to-morrow," said he, and arose.

"I will obey your excellency.[1] Will you have tea here in the library?"

Alekseï Aleksandrovitch ordered tea brought to him in the library; and then, still playing with the paper-cutter, he went toward his arm-chair, near which were a shaded lamp and a French work on cuneiform inscriptions which he had begun.

  1. Vashe prevaskhodityelstvo.