Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/454

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The proprietor was evidently trying to tease Sviazhsky; but Sviazhsky not only did not lose his temper, but was much amused.

"Well, we carry on our estates without these measures," said he, smiling. "I and Levin and he."

He pointed to the other proprietor.

"Yes; but ask Mikhaïl Petrovitch how his affairs are getting along. Is that a rational way?"[1] demanded the proprietor, especially accenting the word "rational."

"My way is very simple," said Mikhaïl Petrovitch, "thank the Lord! My whole business lies in seeing that the money is ready for the autumn taxes. The muzhiks come, and say, 'Batyushka, help us, father.' Well, all these muzhiks are neighbors; I pity 'em. Well, I advance 'em the first third. Only I say, 'Remember, children, I help you; and you must help me when I need you,—sowing the oats, getting in the hay, harvesting.' Now, I get along with them as with my own family. To be sure, there are some among them who have n't any conscience."

Levin, who knew of old about these patriarchal traditions, exchanged glances with Sviazhsky; and, interrupting Mikhaïl Petrovitch, he said, "How would you advise?" addressing the old proprietor with the gray mustache. "How do you think one's estate ought to be managed?"

"Well, manage it just as Mikhaïl Petrovitch does,—either give half the land to the muzhiks, or go shares with them. That is possible; but, all the same, the wealth of the country is growing less and less. Places on my lands which in the time of serfage, under good management, produced ninefold, now produce only threefold. Emancipation has ruined Russia."

Sviazhsky looked at Levin with smiling eyes, and even made a scarcely noticeable gesture to express his disdain, but Levin did not find the old proprietor's words ridiculous; he understood them better than he understood Sviazhsky. Much that the old man said in his complaint, that Russia was ruined by the emancipation,

  1. Ratsionalnoye khozyaïstvo.