Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/462

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that it does not succeed. It succeeds with Vasiltchikof."

"The mill .... "

"But still I don't know what surprises you about it. The peasantry stand on such a low plane of development, both materially and morally, that it is evident they'll oppose everything that is strange to them. In Europe the 'rational management' succeeds because the people are civilized. In the first place, we must civilize our peasantry,—that's the point."

"But how will you civilize them?"

"To civilize the people, three things are necessary,—schools, schools, and schools."

"But you yourself say that the peasantry stand on a low plane of material development. What good will schools do in that respect?"

"Do you know, you remind me of a story of the advice given to a sick man: 'You had better try a purgative.' He tried it; he grew worse. 'Apply leeches.' He applied them; he grew worse. 'Well, then, pray to God.' He tried it; he grew worse. So it is with you. I say political economy; you say you're worse for it. I suggest socialism; worse still. Education; still worse."

"Yes. But how can schools help?"

"They will create other needs."

"But this is just the very thing I could never understand," replied Levin, vehemently. "In what way will schools help the peasantry to better their material condition? You say that schools—education—will create new needs. So much the worse, because they will not have the ability to satisfy them; and I could never see how a knowledge of addition and subtraction and the catechism could help them to better themselves materially. Day before yesterday I met a peasant woman with a baby at the breast, and I asked her where she was going. She said she had been 'to the babka's;[1] the child had a crying fit, and I took him to be cured.'

  1. Babka, a peasant grandmother, a popular name for the midwife. It is the diminutive of baba, a peasant woman, especially a muzhik's wife.