Page:Anna Karenina.djvu/515

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and especially since he had transferred this episode of his life to a documentary basis, he had become more and more settled in his convictions, and was now perfectly clear in his mind that what he wished could be accomplished.

Just as he was sealing his letter, he heard Stepan Arkadyevitch's loud voice asking the servant if his brother-in-law was at home, and insisting on being announced.

"It's all the same," thought Alekseï Aleksandrovitch, "or rather, so much the better. I will explain to him my position in regard to his sister, and he will understand that it is impossible for me to dine at his house."

"Come in," he cried, gathering up his papers and pushing them into a writing-case.

"There now, you see you lied, and he is at home," said Stepan Arkadyevitch to the servant, who would not let him in; then, taking off his overcoat as he walked along, he came into Alekseï Aleksandrovitch's room.

"I am delighted to find you...." he began gayly. "I hope...."

"I cannot go," said Alekseï Aleksandrovitch, coldly, receiving his brother-in-law standing, and not asking him to sit down. Alekseï Aleksandrovitch resolved to adopt with his wife's brother the cool relations which seemed proper since he had decided to get a divorce. But he did not reckon on that sea of kind-heartedness which was always overflowing its banks in Stepan Arkadyevitch's heart.

Stepan Arkadyevitch opened wide his bright, clear eyes.

"Why can't you come? What do you mean?" he asked in French with some hesitation. "But you promised to come, and we all are counting on you."

"I wish to tell you that I cannot come because our family relations must be broken."

"How is that? Why?" said Oblonsky, with a smile.

"Because I have commenced an action for getting a divorce from my wife, your sister. I must...."

But Alekseï Aleksandrovitch did not finish his sen-