Page:Anna Katharine Green - Leavenworth Case.djvu/171

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Henry Clavering

But she tore her hands from mine. "The door!" she cried; "it will open, and——"

Stepping into the hall, I met Thomas coming up the basement stairs. "Go back," said I; "I will call you when you are wanted."

With a bow he disappeared.

"You expect me to answer," she exclaimed, when I re-entered, "now, in a moment? I cannot."


"Impossible!" fastening her gaze upon the front door.

"Miss Leavenworth!"

She shuddered.

"I fear the time will never come, if you do not speak now."

"Impossible," she reiterated.

Another twang at the bell.

"You hear!" said she.

I went into the hall and called Thomas. "You may open the door now," said I, and moved to return to her side.

But, with a gesture of command, she pointed up-stairs. "Leave me!" and her glance passed on to Thomas, who stopped where he was.

"I will see you again before I go," said I, and hastened up-stairs.

Thomas opened the door. "Is Miss Leavenworth in?" I heard a rich, tremulous voice inquire.

"Yes, sir," came in the butler’s most respectful and measured accents, and, leaning over the banisters I beheld, to my amazement, the form of Mr. Clavering enter the front hall and move towards the reception room.