L. C. Page & Company’s
Announcement List
of New Fiction
- By Morley Roberts, author of “Rachel Marr,” “The Idlers,” etc.
- Cloth decorative, with frontispiece in color by Frank T. Merrill . . . . . $1.50
In “David Bran” Mr, Roberts presents in a new light the old story of a man and two women. Characterized as this book is by the skilful achievement which distinguished “Rachel Marr,” its interest is strengthened by a remarkable defence of heterodox doctrines and the surprising and courageous conclusion to which the author draws his novel.
“Among living novelists Morley Roberts holds a high place; but ‘David Bran’ will enormously strengthen his reputation.”—Rochester Post-Express.
“Few writers of the day so thoroughly comprehend the educational and fictional value of suffering, and few books present so fine a problem. It is, in fact, so fine that any statement of it sounds crude, almost coarse, and the book must be read to be comprehended,”—Chicago Daily News.
“As to the hearts of men and of some women, he is cynical. But he draws capital pictures of the gossiping old men of Trescas—and when he is sounding for us the deeps in the natures of Lou Trevarris, Kate Poldrew and even David Bran, the name of his writer’s gift is Wonderful.”—N. Y. World.
- By Burton E. Stevenson, author of “The Marathon Mystery,” “The Holladay Case,” etc.
- Illustrated, cloth decorative . . . . . $1.25
This tale of mystery and its solution contains all the elements which go to make a fascinating story, in which one’s sympathies are awakened over the impending misfortunes of the little heroine and her family, and one’s curiosity is excited to the utmost by the methods employed to bring to a successful termination a quest which is not accomplished until the very last chapter is reached.
The author’s style is quaint and charming and the characters all flesh and blood.