Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/131

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( 111 )

Yet both are for each others use dispos'd,
His to enclose, and yours to be inclos'd.
Nor could another in your room have been,
Except an Emptiness had come between.
Well may he then to you his Cares impart,
And share his burden where he shares his heart.
In you his Sleep still wakes; his Pleasures find
Their share of bus'ness in your labr'ing mind:
So when the weary Sun his place resigns,
He leaves his Light and by Reflection shines.
Justice, that sits and frowns where publick Laws
Exclude soft Mercy from a private cause,
In your Tribunal most her self does please;
There only smiles because she lives at ease;
And like young David, finds her strength the more,
When disincumber'd from those arms she wore:
Heaven would your Royal Master should exceed
Most in that Virtue, which we most did need,
And his mild Father (who too late did find
All mercy vain, but what with pow'r was join'd,)
His fatal goodness left to fitter times,
Not to increase but to absolve our Crimes:
