Page:Annus Mirabilis - Dryden (1688).djvu/96

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The wealthy Tagus, and the wealthier Rhine,
The glory of their Towns no more shall boast:
And Sein, That would with Belgian Rivers join,
Shall find her Lustre stain'd, and Traffick lost.

The vent'rous Merchant, who design'd more far,
And touches on our hospitable Shore,
Charm'd with the Splendour of this Northern Star,
Shall here unlade him, and depart no more.

Our pow'rful Navy shall no longer meet,
The wealth of France or Holland to invade:
The beauty of this Town, without a Fleet,
From all the World shall vindicate her Trade.

And, while this fam'd Emporium we prepare,
The British Ocean shall such Triumphs boast,
That those who now disdain our Trade to share,
 Shall rob like PYrats on our wealthy Coast.

303. Already