Page:Anonymous - Darbyism and its new Bible.djvu/7

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6. The woman of Canaan “came and worshipped him—et se prosterna.” (Matt. xv. 25.) “Came and did him homage—et lui rendit hommage.”
7. “The mother of Zebedees’ children came and worshipped him—et se prosterna.” (Matt. xx. 20.) “Came doing homage—lui rendant hommage.”
8. After resurrection “they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him—ils l’adorerent.” (Matt. xxviii. 9.) “They did homage to him—et lui rendirent hommage.”
9. The disciples also after his resurrection, “when they saw him they worshipped him—ils lui rendirent hommage.” (Matt. xxviii. 17.) “They did homage to him—et lui rendirent hommage.”
10. The legion, crying, “Jesus, thou Son of God most high, ran and worshipped him—se prosterna devant lui.” (Mark, v. 6.) “He ran and did him homage—se prosterna devant lui—traduit ailleur par rendre hommage.” (Marg.)
11. The soldiers mocking the true king, “bowing their knees, worshipped him—ils se prosternaient devant lui.” (Mark, xv. 19.) “Did him homage—lui rendaient hommage.”
12. When the disciples saw him going into heaven, “they worshipped him—l’ayant adoré.” (Luke, xxiv. 52.) “And they having done him homage—lui ayant rendu hommage.”
13. When le Lord asked the man blinds from his birth, “Believest thou on the Son of God? he said, Lord, I believe, and worshipped him—se prosterna devant lui.” (John, ix. 38.) “And he did him homage—lui rendit hommage.”
14. “Let all the angels of God worship him—l’adorent..” (Heb. i. 6.) “And let all God’s angels worship him—lui rendent hommage.”
15. When the Lamb is in the midst of the throne, “the four-and-twenty elders fell down and worshipped him—et adorent.” (Rev. v. 14.) “And the elders fell down and did homage—et rendirent hommage.”

These are the fifteen distinct cases of the worship of Christ recorded in the New Testament; and the reader will note that nine of them occur in the Gospel of St. Matthew. That Gospel, as every one knows, having a special Messianic character.