Page:Ante-Nicene Christian Library Vol 12.djvu/13

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Chap. Page

21. Description of the Perfect Man, or Gnostic, 199
22. The true Gnostic does Good, not from fear of Punishment or hope of Reward, but only for the sake of Good itself, 202
23. The same subject continued, 207
24. The reason and end of Divine Punishments, 210
25. True Perfection consists in the Knowledge and Love of God, 212
26. How the Perfect Man treats the Body and the Things of the World, 215
Book V.
1. On Faith, 220
2. On Hope, 228
3. The objects of Faith and Hope perceived by the Mind alone, 229
4. Divine Things wrapped up in Figures both in the Sacred and in Heathen Writers, 232
5. On the Symbols of Pythagoras, 236
6. The Mystic Meaning of the Tabernacle and its Furniture, 240
7. The Egyptian Symbols and Enigmas of Sacred Things, 245
8. The use of the Symbolic Style by Poets and Philosophers, 247
9. Reasons for veiling the Truth in Symbols, 254
10. The opinion of the Apostles on veiling the Mysteries of the Faith, 257
11. Abstraction from Material Things necessary in order to attain to the true Knowledge of God, 261
12. God cannot be embraced in Words or by the Mind, 267
13. The Knowledge of God a Divine Gift, according to the Philosophers, 270
14. Greek Plagiarisms from the Hebrews, 274
1. Plan, 302
2. The subject of Plagiarisms resumed. The Greeks plagiarized from one another, 304
3. Plagiarism by the Greeks of the Miracles related in the Sacred Books of the Hebrews, 319
4. The Greeks drew many of their Philosophical Tenets from the Egyptian and Indian Gymnosophists, 323
5. The Greeks had some Knowledge of the true God, 326
6. The Gospel was preached to Jews and Gentiles in Hades, 328
7. What true Philosophy is, and whence so called, 335
8. Philosophy is Knowledge given by God, 339
9. The Gnostic free of all Perturbations of the Soul, 344
10. The Gnostic avails himself of the help of all Human Knowledge, 349
11. The Mystical Meanings in the proportions of Numbers, Geometrical Ratios, and Music, 352
12. Human Nature possesses an adaptation for Perfection; the Gnostic alone attains it, 359
13. Degrees of Glory in Heaven corresponding with the Dignities of the Church below, 365
14. Degrees of Glory in Heaven, 366