Encratites, the, 3.
Enemies, the love of, 118.
Enemies of God, men are naturally, 203.
Enoch, the translation of, 28.
Epicurus teaches incest, 112; his theory of atoms, 369.
Error cannot stand with truth, 215.
Eternity of punishment, 320.
Eva, the Bacchanalian cry of, supposed by the fathers to be an invocation of Eve, 93.
Eve, why she was formed out of a rib of Adam, 93.
Evil, the existence of, 243, 244; denied by some, 244, 245; origin of, 248, 395; God not the author of, 248; does not exist in substance, 295; why God permits, 295, 296; the existence of, on astrological principles, 431, 432.
Evil and good, set over the one against the other, 392.
Evil, the prince of, why made, 394, 403.
Evil angels, seducers, 296, 297.
Evil beings, turned to good account, 296.
Evil-doers, shall be punished, 104, 390, 391.
Evils, the, brought in by sin, 391; uses of, 406; admitted, 431.
Faith, the importance of, in all things, 59; and reason, 237; and unbelief, 305.
Fall of man, the, 10.
Fasting, baptism must be preceded by, 355, 357.
Fate, the heathen view of, 11; the sins of men not due to, 16; an avenger, 105.
Faustinianus, father of Clement, Peter's first meeting with, 359; his discussion with Peter, etc., 360, etc.; recognition of, by Clement and his brothers, 420, etc.; transformed by 8imon Magus into his own likeness, 459; Simon's design in the transformation of, 461, 462; how his transformation was effected, 462; personates Simon Magus to defeat him, 465–468; restored to his own form, 468, 469; his baptism, 471.
Faustus and Faustinianus, 352. [See Aquila and Niceta.]
Fear, the restraining influence of, 407, 408; of men and of God, 410.
Fifth day's work of creation, 82.
Fire-worship, the, of the Persians, 298.
Flesh, the desires of, to be subdued, 307.
Flood, history of the, 96, 163; the world after the, 164; brought as the punishment of evil-doers, 391.
Form of sound words, the, 382.
Fourth day's work of creation, the, 82.
Frauds, pious, singular illustrations of, 460–469.
Free-will, the sins of men spring from, 16; possessed by men, 306, 403.
Freedom of the will, 246, 247.
Friends of the Son of God, the, 402, 403.
Friendship with God, 161.
Gamaliel, stills a tumult raised against the apostles, 185; his speech, 186.
Garment of baptism, the, how it may be spotted, 302.
Gelones, customs of the, 414.
Genealogies, fabulous Gentile, 71.
Generation, as illustrating a designing mind, 379.
Genesis, the truth of the account of man's creation and fall in the book of, 89.
Genesis, discussion about, 359, etc.; prayer inconsistent with, 366; further discussions about, 384, etc., 402, etc.; not it, but free-will, determines the history of men, 416; divided into seven parts or climates, 416; the gospel more powerful than, 418; inconsistent with the justice of God, 419; stubborn facts in support of, 420; the difiiculties cleared up by recognitions, 421, etc.
Gentile cosmogony, 437.
Gentilism, buttresses of, 444.
Gentiles, the, the call of, 170, 309; waited for the true Prophet, 309; invitation to, 310.
Germination of seeds, illustrating divine providence, 375.
Giants, the, 163.
Gladiators and pugilists described, 29.