Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/135

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'I stayed two hours—or two minutes. I forget which'; and I added, nodding my head at Lady Mickleham, 'there was something irresistible about me last night.'

Lady Mickleham laughed.

'You seem very pleased with yourself,' she said, reaching for a fan to replace the handkerchief.

'Yes, take care of your complexion,' said I approvingly. 'She has a lovely complexion.'

Lady Mickleham laid down the fan.

'I am very pleased with myself,' I continued. She was delighted with me.'

'I suppose you talked nonsense to her.'

'I have not the least idea what I talked to her. It was quite immaterial. The language of the eyes——'

'Oh, you might be a boy!'

'I was,' said I, nodding again.

There was a long silence. Dolly looked at me; I looked at the fire. I did not, however, see the fire. I saw something quite different.

'She liked me very much,' I observed, stretching my hands out towards the blaze.

'You absurd old man!' said Dolly. 'Was she very charming?'

'She was perfect.'

'How? Clever?'

I waved my hand impatiently.

'Pretty, Mr. Carter?'

'Why, of course; the prettiest creature I ever—— But that goes without saying.'