Page:Anthony Hope - The Dolly Dialogues.djvu/75

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I turned to Miss Phyllis.

'I hope you won't think all love-affairs are like that,' I said; but I saw her lips begin to shape into 'lovely,' and I hastily left the room.

Hilary came to help me on with my coat. He looked extremely apologetic, and very much ashamed of himself.

'Awfully sorry, old chap,' said he, 'that we bored you with our reminiscences. I know, of course, that they can't be very interesting to other people. Women are so confoundedly romantic.'

'Don't try that on with me,' said I, much disgusted. 'You were just as bad yourself.'

He laughed, as he leant against the door.

'She did look ripping in that white frock,' he said, 'with her hair——'

'Stop,' said I, firmly. 'She looked just like a lot of other girls.'

'I'm hanged if she did!' said Hilary.

Then he glanced at me with a puzzled sort of expression.

'I say, old man, weren't you ever that way yourself?' he asked.

I hailed a hansom cab.

'Because, if you were, you know, you'd understand how a fellow remembers every——'

'Good-night,' said I. 'At least I suppose you're not coming to the club?'

'Well, I think not,' said Hilary. 'Ta-ta, old fellow. Sorry we bored you. Of course, if a man has never——'

'Never!' I groaned. 'A score of times!'