attention was called to it; but, through Mr. Baynes's care, the following parts were recovered and transmitted to me:—
Frontal bone, with adherent portions of the parietals and the base of the nasals.
Parts of the parietals confluent together, but showing a trace of the sagittal suture.
Portion of the occipital bone.
Left mandibular ramus, with coalesced symphysial portion of the right ramus, lower jaw.
Portions of ribs.
Portions of pelvis.
Shaft of right humerus.
Shaft of left radius.
Portion of left ulna.
Shaft of right femur, with detached head of the same bone.
Shaft of left femur, with portion of condyle.
Shaft of right tibia.
Shaft of left tibia.
Left astragalus.
Portion of calcaneum.
A few phalanges of hand and foot.
Three teeth from the fore part of the lower jaw.
Of these remains the instructive and characteristic parts of the cranium form the subjects of Plates I., II., and III.
The forehead is low and narrow; the mid-line of the frontal bone extends from the beginning of the sagittal suture in a regular uninterrupted curve to the upper interval of the frontal sinuses, from above which interval, after a short slight concavity, the line is continued between