Page:Antony and Cleopatra (1921) Yale.djvu/153

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Antony and Cleopatra

IV. xi. 1, 2. O! he is more mad Than Telamon for his shield; the boar of Thessaly. 'That is, than Ajax Telamon for the armour of Achilles, the most valuable part of which was the shield. "The boar of Thessaly" was the boar killed by Meleager.' Steevens.

IV. xii. 48, 49. yea, very force entangles Itself with strength. Power to go on merely interferes with the strength to die.

IV. xii. 99. A nobleness in record. That is, they have gained an advantage in nobility over him in the record of great deeds. Cf. III. xi. 46, 'And earns a place i' the story.'

IV. xiii. 66. the odds is gone. 'There is now no longer any difference between youth and age, high and low, rich and poor.' Furness.

IV. xiii. 85. sirs. Sometimes used in addressing women.

V. i. 2, 3. Being so frustrate, tell him he mocks The pauses that he makes. Being so utterly defeated, he makes mockery of the time he uses for delay.

V. ii. 6–8. Which shackles accidents and bolts up change, Which sleeps and never palates more the dug, The beggar's nurse and Cæsar's. This may be paraphrased: 'Death, which prevents further accidents and stops change; death, the beggars' nurse and Cæsar's, which makes man like a babe who sleeps and cares no more for the breast of its mother.' The First Folio has dung for dug, but this his been generally though not universally emended.

V. ii. 27, 28. A conqueror that will pray in aid for kindness Where he for grace is kneel'd to. Freely paraphrased this means, 'A conqueror who, if he is asked for grace, will help you to obtain it.'

V. ii. 88–90. his delights Were dolphin-like, they show'd his back above The element they liv'd in. Ap-