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See special lists as under :—

1 Esdras vol. I. 19, 20.
Tobit vol. I. 201.
Sirach vol. I. 315.
Prayer of Manasses vol. I. 620.
1 Enoch vol. II. 187.
Test. XII Patr. vol. II. 295.
2 Baruch vol. II. 475.
4 Ezra vol. II. 560.

See also under Versions and MSS. in the different books.

A1 &c. See 2 Bar. § 7
A.J.Th. American Journal of Theology
Aboth Pirkē Aboth
Ab. R. Nathan Aboth Rabbi Nathan
ἀπ.λεγ. or εἰρ ἅπαξ λεγόμενον or εἰρημένον
Apoc. Abrah. Apocalypse of Abraham
Apoc. of Baruch 2 Baruch
Apoc. Zeph. Apocalypse of Zephaniah
Aq. Aquila
Ar. Arabic
Aram. Frag. Aramaic Fragment. See Test. App. II
Arm. Armenian
Asc. Is. Ascension of Isaiah
Ass. Mos. Assumption of Moses
Aug. Augustine
B1 &c. See 2 Bar. § 7
B.D. Bible Dictionary
B.S. Deissmann, Biblical Studies
1 Bar. Apocryphal Book of Baruch
2 Bar. Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch
3 Bar. Greek Apocalypse of Baruch
Ber. Rabb. Bereshith rabba
Berach. or Berakh. Berachoth
Beresh. Bereshith
C.I.G. Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum
C.O.T. Cuneiform Inscriptions and the Old Testament. See K.A.T.
Cat. Niceph. Catalogue of Nicephorus
Chag. Chagigah (Talmud)
Chron. Pasch. Chronicon Paschale
Clem. Alex. Clement of Alexandria
Clem. Recog. Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions
Cod. Codex
D.B. Dictionary of the Bible
Dan. Daniel
Diod. Sic. Diodorus Siculus
Diog. Laert. Diogenes Laertius
E.A. See 4 Ezra, § 7, and ii. 560
E.B. or Bi. Encyclopaedia Biblica
Edd. Editions
1 En. 1 Enoch or Ethiopian Enoch
2 En. 2 Enoch or Slavonic Enoch
Encyc. Brit. Encyclopaedia Britannica
Ep. Barn. Epistle of Barnabas
Ep. Jer. Epistle of Jeremy
Epiph. Epiphanius
Eth. Ethiopic
Eus. Eusebius
Ev. Nicod. Evangelium Nicodemi
4 Ez. Fourth Book of Ezra
Fayum P. Fayum Papyri
Fr. or Frag. Fragment
G Greek Version
G. d. Jud. Geschichte des Judenthums
G.J.V. Schürer's Geschichte des jüdischen Volkes
G.V.I. Geschichte des Volkes Israel
Gen. rabb. Genesis rabba
Gk. Greek
Gk. Frag. Greek Fragment. See Test. App. II
Gr. Grimm
Gr. of O.T. Greek Grammar of Old Testament Greek (Thackeray)
H.D.B. Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible
H.J.P. History of the Jewish People
Heb. Gr. Hebrew Grammar
Herm. Hermas, Pastor
Hes. Hesiod
Hiph. Hiphil
Hom. Homer
Il. Iliad
Int. Crit. Comm. International Critical Commentary
Intr. Introduction
J.E. Jewish Encyclopaedia
J.Q.R. Jewish Quarterly Review
J.R.A.S. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
J.T.S. Journal of Theological Studies
Jalkut Schim. Jalkut Shimeoni
Jashar Book of Jashar
Jer. Joma &c. Joma in Jerusalem Talmud
Jerus. Targ. Jerusalem Targum
Jos. Ant. &c. Josephus, Antiquities, &c.
Jub. Book of Jubilees
Jud. Theol.2 Jüdische Theologie2 (Weber)
K. Kautzsch
K.A.T. Schrader, Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament
Kit. Kittel
L.A.E. Deissmann, Light from the Ancient East
L.d.T. Weber, Die Lehren des Talmuds
L. & S. Liddell and Scott
LXX. Septuagint Version
Lact. Lactantius
Lib. V.T. Libri Veteris Testamenti
Luc. Lucian
Lucr. Lucretius
MS. Manuscript
MT. Massoretic Text
1 Macc. &c. First, &c, Book of Maccabees
Macrob. Macrobius
Mart. Is. Martyrdom of Isaiah
Mass. Massoretic
Megill. Megilla
Menach. Menachoth (Talmud)
Mg. Margin
Midr. Midrash
N.H.W. Neuhebräisches Wörterbuch
N.T. New Testament
O.T. Old Testament
Onk. Onkelos, Targum of
Onom. Sacr. Onomasticon Sacrum
Or. Sibyll. Sibylline Oracles
Orph. Frag. Orphic Fragment
P.E.F. Palestine Exploration Fund
P.P. Petrie Papyri
P.R. Eliezer Pirke Rabbi Eliezer
P.R.E. Real-Encyclopädie für protest. Theologie und Kirche
P.S.B.A. Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology
Pesikt. Pesikta
Ps. Clem. Recog. Pseudo-Clementine Recognitions
Ps. Jon. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Ps. of Sol. Psalms of Solomon
R. Rabbi
RE. Real-Encyklopädie
R.E.J. Revue des Études juives
Rel. des Jud. Religion des Judenthums
Sam. Samaritan
Sam. Chron. Samaritan Chronology
Sanh. Sanhedrin
Schürer, E.T. Schürer's History of the Jewish People, English Translation
Sept. Septuagint
Shabb. Shabbath
Sir. Sirach
Slav. Bar See vol. ii. 131
Slav. Vit. Slavonic Vita Adae et Evae. See Books of Adam and Eve
Soph. Sophocles
Stob. Stobaeus
Symm. Symmachus
Syncell. Syncellus
Syr. Syriac
Syr.H. Hexaplaric Syriac
Syr. W. Syriac Version in Walton's Polyglot
Sok. Sokolov's Text of 2 Enoch
T.A. &c. See under 'Testaments' in list of symbols prefixed to Index.
T.b. Babylonian Talmud
Targ. Jer. Jerusalem Targum
Targ. Jon. Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Th. Gram. Thackeray, Grammar of Old Testament Greek
Theod. Theodotion
Theoph. Theophilus
Tebt. P. Tebtuneh Papyrus
Tert. Tertullian
Test. Testament
Test. Sim. See vol. ii. 153
Test. XII Patr. Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
Tisch. Tischendorf
Tob. Tobit
V.L. or Vet.Lat. Versio Vetus Latina, Old Latin Version
Vit. Ad. Vita Adae
Vulg. Vulgate
W.P. Walton's Polyglot
Wellh. Wellhausen
Wisd. Book of Wisdom
Z.A.T.W. Zeitschrift für die A. T. Wissensenschaft
Z.D.M.G. Zeitschrift der Deutscheun Morgenländischen Gesellschaft
Z.N.T.W. Zeitschrift für die N. T. Wissenschaft
Z.W.T. or Z.f.W.T. Zeitschrift fur wiss. Theologie
[] indicate an intrusion into the original text
indicate that the word or passage so enclosed is corrupt
() or italics indicate that the word or words so enclosed or printed are supplied for the sake of clearness.
+ indicates that the authority or authorities quoted insert the word or words following this mark.
> indicates that the authority or authorities quoted omit the word or words following this mark.
indicate a restoration in the text.
Thick type indicates an emendation in the text.
