heaven are fruitful before thee, O Lord. Woe is me; what am I like unto? I am not like the beasts of the earth, for even the beasts of the earth are fruitful before thee, O Lord. Woe is me; what am I like unto? I am not like these waters, for even these waters are fruitful before thee, O Lord. Woe is me; what am I like unto? I am not like this earth, for even the earth produceth its fruits in due season, and blesseth thee, O Lord.
And, behold, an angel of the Lord stood by, saying unto her, Anna, Anna, the Lord hath heard thy prayer, and thou shalt conceive and bring forth, and thy seed shall be spoken of in all the world. And Anna said, As the Lord my God liveth, if I bring forth either male or female, I will bring it as a gift to the Lord my God, and it shall minister to him all the days of its life. And behold, there came two angels, saying unto her, Behold, Joachim thy husband is coming with his flocks. For an angel of the Lord went down to him, saying, Joachim, Joachim, the Lord God hath heard thy prayer; go down hence: for, behold, thy wife Anna shall conceive. And Joachim went down, and called his shepherds, saying, Bring me hither ten she-lambs without spot and blemish, and they shall be for the Lord my God. And bring me twelve tender calves, and they shall