shall He anoint all who believe in Him, and that oil of mercy shall be for the generation of those who are to be born of water and the Holy Spirit unto life eternal. Then coming down into the earth,[1] the most loving Son of God, Jesus Christ, shall lead our father Adam into Paradise to the tree of mercy.
When they heard all these things from Seth, all the patriarchs and prophets rejoiced with great joy.
And when all the saints were rejoicing, behold Satan, the prince and leader of death, said to Hades,[2] Prepare thyself to receive Jesus, who boasteth that He is the Son of God, and is a man who feareth death, and saith, My soul is sorrowful unto death. And He hath opposed me in very many things and done me mischief, and many whom I made blind, lame, deaf, leprous, and demoniacs, He hath healed with a word; and those whom I brought dead unto thee he hath taken from thee.
Hades answered and said to Satan, the prince, Who is he that is so powerful, while he is a man that feareth death? For all the powerful of the earth are held subject to my power, and as subject