singing and saying, The Lord hath risen from the dead, as He had said: Let us all rejoice and be glad, for He reigneth for ever. Then they that had been sent were astonished, and through fear fell to the ground, and they received an answer from them, that they should seek for Karinus and Leucius at their own houses.
And they arose and came to their homes, and found them occupied in prayer. And when they went in unto them they fell with their faces to the ground, saluting them; and standing up they said, Friends of God, the whole multitude of the Jews hath sent us to you, hearing that ye have risen from the dead, asking and beseeching you to come to them, that we may all know the wonders of God which have been wrought about us in our times. And straightway arising, at a sign from God, they came with them and entered their synagogue. Then the multitude of the Jews, with their priests, placed in their hands the books of the law, and adjured them, by the God Heloi and the God Adonai, and by the law and the prophets, saying, Tell us how ye arose from the dead, and what are these wonders which have been wrought in our times, such as we have never heard to have been done at any time; because through fear all our bones are astonished and dried up, and the earth trembleth under our feet; for all our hearts have conspired to shed the just and holy blood.