up to be sold, and some they divided among themselves, and they made four parts of them, as they had done with the garments of the Lord. And they said, They sold Christ for thirty pieces of silver, and let us sell thirty of them for one denarius. And they did so. And when they had done this, they took possession of all the lands of Judæa and Jerusalem.
Then they made inquiry for the likeness or portrait of Christ, how they might find it. And they found a woman named Veronica who had it. Then they took Pilate and sent him to prison to be kept by four quarternions of soldiers at the door of the prison. Then they straightway sent their messengers to Tiberius, the emperor of the city of Rome, that he would send Velosianus to them. And he said to him, Take all that is necessary for thee at sea, and go down to Judæa, and ask for one of the disciples of him that was called Christ and Lord; that he may come to me, and in the name of his God heal me of the leprosy and the infirmities with which I am daily oppressed, and of my wounds, for I lie sick. And send against the kings of the Jews who are subject to my empire thy forces and terrible torments, and condemn them to death, because they slew Jesus Christ our Lord. And if thou shalt find there any man who can deliver me from this my infirmity, I will believe in Christ the Son of God and be baptized in his name. And Velosianus said, My