Page:Apollo 11 Goodwill Messages.pdf/17

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"Today the dream has been realized. It is thanks to the talent and sacrifices of the great American nation. But it is also thanks to that which has been achieved through the ages and centuries by the knowledge, science, and technology of men, of all men. The lunar epic of the Apollo 11 astronauts thus opens in the history of mankind a new, grandiose cycle of space exploits and gives rise to great hopes.

"On this day of triumph and in this historic hour, I express personally, and in the name of the People of Dahomey, my wishes for Peace, Brotherhood, and Good Fortune for all mankind and for all men. May man's first steps on the moon convince those on earth to vow one day soon to employ science and technology only in the service of Peace and Progress."


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"Denmark conveys, through the space pioneers, her warmest wishes that this spectacular landing on the moon may herald for all mankind a new era of peace and good will."

King of Denmark

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"The Dominican People follow with growing interest the development of the space exploration program being carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which has extended the universal view of contemporary mankind.

"In view of the historic flight of Apollo 11, set for July 16, with the spectacular mission of landing two men on the moon, I, together with the Dominican People, am pleased to send my best wishes to NASA that this new scientific exploit will attain complete success. Space science of the United States will reach new heights in the exploration of outer space."

